Your midweek dose of content clarity, delivered in brief to help you go from frazzled content creator to confident conversation leader. ⚡️ Join the club.
⏪ Last time, a focus-finding template. That’s here.
⏩ Today, putting that focus statement to work.
I opened my closet and realized I’d been living in two different worlds.
I sat staring at a lineup of pencil skirts and pressed slacks in the back of my closet—relics from the days when I somehow wobbled around in three-inch heels and dry-clean-only everything. 😅
These days? You'll likely find me in an oversized sweater.
At first, I felt guilty about it. Like somehow trading heels for flats meant I was less serious about my work. But I know I’m doing great work in clothes that fit who I am now—a mom who needs to be able to chase down a toddler at daycare pickup. And just generally values comfort.
We sometimes do this with our content, don’t we?
We keep showing up in a stiff, polished way that worked in our past lives, or is how we think we should sound, while our natural voice—the one that actually connects with people—gets stuffed in the back of the drawer.
It took a Saturday afternoon and three bags of donations for me to admit what my wardrobe had been trying to tell me: I'd evolved. And there was such relief in finally embracing my real style. 💫
So, it's time for a content closet cleanout.
And just like finding your personal style, this kind of alignment feels like finally being able to breathe…
Can you feel it? That sense of clarity around your content starting to emerge?
Just like finding your personal style sweet spot—that perfect balance of polished and real—we're about to realign the conversations you’re meant to lead to who you are now.
➡️ Pull up your last three published newsletters and your focus statement from last week.
Consider this your content closet review:
First, the alignment check (your try-on session). 🕵️♀️
Look at each piece and ask:
Does this writing feel natural, like that perfect sweater? Or stiff, like those old pencil skirts?
Are you speaking to *your* real audience or something like an imagined corporate boardroom?
Does your unique perspective shine through, or are you hiding behind "professional" language that could have been written by anyone? (If you’re unsure about this one, hold tight. We’re talking about conviction next month!)
Now the exciting part: Let's tailor each piece to fit perfectly. 💁♀️
Like any good tailor will tell you, small adjustments make all the difference.
For example, I could shift a post about "content planning tips" to "finding your natural content rhythm," delivering the same valuable insights but in a way that feels more aligned with who I am and the conversation I am leading.
So this week, choose ONE way to start showing up as a more true-to-you self:
Update your bio to reflect the real you.
Refresh an old post with your natural voice.
Share your focus statement as content (even a quick Note! Tag me and I'll give it some love).
Start a conversation that feels good.
Remember: The more you sound like you, the more others can connect with you. Your authority comes from your authenticity, not your armor.
What is just ONE small way you're showing up differently this week?
You should end this CLARITY-focused month knowing your true conversation territory, the pillars that support it (and act as your content filter) and how to set boundaries to maintain clarity.
Tune in to the January Monthly Edit Workshop: From Scattered to Focused (drops Monday!) to help you solidify this month’s clarity work. 🫶
Next month, we’re diving into CONVICTION—turning your focus into a clear point of view. Get ready to identify your natural convictions and turn those convictions into content your people want to engage with. ⚡️
Rooting for you,
xx Christin
📋 Want a complete content management system for creating with clarity? Add your name to the waitlist here (and be the first to get an upcoming announcement…).
✨ Grab your Content Clarity Kit to help transform scattered ideas into clear content. It’s one of this month’s club perks!
🗺️ Explore The Content Creator’s Roadmap—eight steps to meaningful content without the burnout. It’s the journey we’re on all year here at The Content Brief.
I finally started writing like I talk, and that helped me bring out my natural voice. I'd rather read content that sounds like someone talks than super-polished pieces. I see a lot of more casual tone-of-voice writing here on Substack and I love it.