Your monthly space for content clarity and community feedback. Share what you're creating, get thoughtful input and find your focus for the month ahead.
Happy March, club! 🎉💫 Let’s kick off the month with a meetup here at The Content Brief—open to all subscribers! ⚡️
➡️ Introduce us to your publication. Tell us what content you have planned this month (ie, commit!). Ask a question. Run a headline by us. Drop a link to your most recent post.
Then engage with two others—answer a question, visit their post and comment or restack it … whatever feels right to you!
Let’s party! 🎉
Rooting for you,
💌 P.S. Looking for more support? Become a paid member of The Content Brief and get inside the March Planning Party for my guide to a clear, actionable content planning approach that balances strategy with simplicity. I call it the 3P Content Planning Framework:
Courageous Conversations,
A warmly lit place in the turmoil to explore how we live, evolve and create in these dangerous and opportune times.
I am going to write about my workshop experiences with the wonderful Caroline Myss for 4 days this week. So expect more on spirituality , divine connections and how we rise above the drama’s and chaos.
What do you desire most for the world ?
i recently rewrote my description for Party Dip: Culture, books, music, and K-dramas—plus personal stories on connection. From a music obsessed, zine-making Korean adoptee.
this month my theme is Nourishment. i'm starting with a post for thursday 3/6 that will introduce my DIY zine to readers, provide history, and let people know every issue is now available for free online. making my zine nourished me through coming out of a chaotic life transition marking my end days of living in nyc.