Happy February, club! 🎉💫 Let’s kick off the month with a meetup here at The Content Brief—open to all subscribers! ⚡️
➡️ Introduce us to your publication. Tell us what content you have planned this month (ie, commit!). Ask a question. Run a headline by us. Drop a link to your most recent post.
Then engage with two others—answer a question, visit their post and comment or restack it … whatever feels right to you!
Let’s party! 🎉
Rooting for you.
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Hi! I write The Navigation, sharing essay on musings, meanderings and methods for navigating modern life as a millennial woman, and a monthly round up dipping into my little black book.
I'm currently drafting my next 'methods' piece and toying with making it a "10 tips for" type piece, but is that a little too click-bait-y these days?
You've encouraged me to mix it up with headlines before Christin, and this again would be something new.
Any advice from you / others much welcome 😊
Hi hi hi! I write 'Little dispatches', a newsletter including fragrance reviews (a personal passion/talent, and I want others to be inspired to try things they wouldn't usually turn to, or have yet to discover), fashion, life in London, good food and a Monday Menu series comprising a digestible and enjoyable selection of 5 intentions and priorities for the week ahead, in the hope it inspires others to set their own goals (be it health/mind/creative/fun). This month I would like to do at least one fragrance curation, a fashion essay, a Monday menu, a picture essay of art and interiors that have inspired me, and connect with more people who might wish to have me in their inboxes every few weeks! I'd love to have you! https://amieelizabethwhite.substack.com/